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our services


Lexington-Bell Community Center serves children of all ages from 18 months to 18 years


proudly serving children and families for 60 years

Our Early Learning Center is a recognized four-star Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) program serving children 18 months to five years.  We provide a safe and nurturing environment for our youngest students to develop, learn and grow.    LBCC works closely with parents and program partners to provide timely assessments and recommended health screenings.  Our ELC provides a wide range of programs for our pre-school students including music, arts and yoga to prepare young children to successfully enter kindergarten.

The Summer Enrichment Day Camp provides a supervised, safe, structured summer experience offered for eight (8) weeks from June – to July for children in grades (K-6).  Activities are provided to promote academic retention and prevent summer learning loss using a variety of activities including the computer lab, health, physical activity, creative arts, recreational activities, social skills development, field trips, and outdoor education. 

Bridge to Two’s innovative approach to early education preparedness helps parents, family members, and home‐based caregivers provide quality learning experiences for children from their earliest days.

More Programs coming soon

Stay tune for more to come!

Our After-School Enrichment Program provides quality out-of-school activities for children and youth (K-12th grade) and is available weekdays 2:00 p.m. – to 6:00 p.m. during the school year (Aug. – May).  Students benefit from structured activities to support academic achievement and social and emotional development.  The ASEP staff members provide services that promote engaged learners and academic success.

Our Kuumba Arts Program is designed to encourage creativity and provide nurturing experiences in arts and culture for children of all ages. Kuumba is the Swahili word for “Creativity” and represents one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa which celebrates our students’ rich African heritage. The Kuumba program offers classes and activities in singing, drumming, quilting and photography. This array of classes provides classes for students in the early learning center, and after-school, and summer enrichment programs.

As part of our Workforce Development Initiative to better our community, we have a Digital lab space for adults to utilize and positively impact their lives (combat the digital divide). This space can be used for job finding, resume building, resources, applications, digital learning, and for other business purposes. The Church address is 9226 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44108.

Lab hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Lexington-Bell Community Center 

7724 Lexington Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44103

Phone (216)391-4100 | Fax 216-331-3129

Lu Anne Peters | Executive Director

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Lexington-Bell Community Center

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