Bridge To Two
Bridge to Two-innovative home-based approach to early education preparedness, helps parents, and caregivers with quality learning experiences, developing language and literacy, and supporting social and emotional growth with children and parents.

All classes are free. Located at Willson United Methodist Church, 9226 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44108 You can bring your children with you. Connect us at (216) 391-4100 for more information. Transportation can be arranged.

Wellness Wednesdays
Join us for every third Wednesday from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Learn child development stages and ways to improve/advance yourself:
lunch/snacks/nutrition, pregnancy centering and connectivity,
and resources provided with registration and participation!

Parent Educational Class
Bumni Meets The Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month.
Our Bumni group will have activities for moms/fathers/caregivers and their children.
The Bumni group is focused on educating on, Reducing Stress techniques,
Healthy Food Habits, Yoga, Ayurveda Health, Parenting, Safe Sleep practices.,
and more. Light lunch provided.

Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-2
The Digital Lab provides computer/ digital assistance training,
job search, resume writing, resources, skill building, and more.